Monday 4 November 2013

How to Get Taller through Stretching

Increasing your height is difficult but not impossible. A person can grow taller through a variety of products and techniques available in the market. Even surgical processes are also available these days but they are highly painful and expensive. If you are not satisfied with your height and want to grow a little taller than now, then you should not seek for the expensive pills, medications or surgical procedures as they have their particular side effects. A number of exercises you can perform safely with a combination of balanced diet to grow your height naturally by stimulating your growth hormone secretion. To maintain a balanced structural body system you should perform regular stretching exercises.  There are many stretching options from which you can chose as per your fitness level to perform on daily basis.
  • Spine Stretch:
Spine stretches enhance the flexibility and strength of spine to maintain and improve your posture. The stretches assist in loosening the tight muscles and improving the mobility and posture to a more erect pose. Office jobs or sitting in front of TV or computer leave your pectoral muscles tight and tense which need to be elongated and loosen to get a better posture.

Touching your toes while standing or be seated is a great way to stretch your back muscles. It assists your hamstrings also to be elongated. Stand straight and raise your arms above your head. Slightly bend yourself forward and try to touch your toes with your fingers without bending your knees. If you are not enough flexible for the pose to touch the toes then don’t worry. Try regularly to improve your flexibility and you’ll be able soon to touch your toes. Inhale when standing and exhale when bending over.
  • Hamstring Stretch:
Hamstrings are the muscles’ group at the back of your knee. Tight hamstrings need to be flexible not only to perform routine work easily but to increase your height by elongating the leg muscles.

The stretch can be performed by lying on your back or while sitting. Lying on your back on a mat with an exercise band wrapped around one of the foot and the other should be pressed on the floor. Raise your leg and pull the hamstring tight through exercise band. Hold the pose for 5 to 10 seconds and repeat with the other leg.

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